Monday, September 22, 2008

And so it is begun.

Well, the blog's started - I guess there's nothing I can do about it now. Besides, I thought I'd bitten my tongue on the side at the back by my right wisdom tooth and I was playing with it to see whether I'd bitten it and then I actually did bite it, really hard, with my monstrous molars.

The weekend seems less of a luxury now that I've had my Monday - given I had some two hours of sleep I did pretty well though. I was in a really good mood all day and handed in my research paper and ate some food at my favourite café and then toddled off to telemarket some suckers.

Quid I did. And then I cooked a curry and watched Planet Terror. So here I am again, ignoring the pages of Lucian's Verae Historiae in front of me that I'm "translating". Hopefully they get read before my exam.

Quae might prove rather inconsequential. I today looked at my uni's timetables for next year and I can't do any of my majors. Greek clashes with Greek, Latin with Linguistics, and all that remains is to do a Gender Studies degree and hope to sort things out after graduation.

Or fall back on a science degree.

Anyway, I hope whoever's read this has ignored the content as it's irrelevant. All I wanted to do was innapropriately use connecting relatives to signal the fact that I've been reading Caesar's De bello Gallico all day.

Quid isn't very interesting anyway.

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